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Location 1)- Human Photography- Test shots

Test Shot 1) Eyes-

the first test shot I tried was on the texture of a person’s eyes. From the colour/patterns of the iris to the prickly texture of the eye lashes.

Photo details- ISO 125, 4.5, +/- 1/3

Test Shot 2) Mouth-

the next shot was of the mouth. I focused in on the creases or what people call smile lines andthe texture of the lips themselves. What I particularly love about this photo is the freckles on the skin. Although not the focus of the photo also contributes to the texture and pattern of the persons skin tone.

Photo details- ISO 640, 5.0, +/- 1/3

Test Shot 3) Hair-

This photo focuses on the texture of the hair both in its length and straightness but also in the pattern of its colour.

Photo details- ISO 400, 4.5, +/- 1/3

Test Shot 4) Ears/hair-

This shot has to parts to it, the main focus however is again on the texture of the hair. This time the hair is curled over the person’s ear also showing another one of human’s facial textures.

Photo details- ISO 640, 5.6, +/- 1/3

Test Shot 5) Hands-

This shot is focusing on the texture of human skin especially in the hands, both the nails and the cracks in the knuckles.

Photo details- ISO 160, 5.0, +/- 1/3

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